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NoodleTools - User Guide

How to Create a NoodleTools Account

NoodleTools is a web based citation generator West Valley College Library subscribes to for members of our community to access on and off-campus. Once you have created an account following the instructions below, you can access NoodleTools from a simple web search and logging in.


Accessing NoodleTools



Library Homepage pointing to Databases page link



  1. Click on the Library link from the gold navigation bar.
  2. From the Library webpage click on "Find Articles (Databases)" located in the left side menu.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the "Find Articles (Databases)" page and locate the category "Other Databases". The link to NoodleTools is here.
  4. NOTE - It is important that you access NoodleTools from "Find Articles (Databases)" page the first time you access NoodleTools! Your status as a WVC student can be verified from this page. Once you have created an account you no longer have to use the WVC Library database page to access NoodleTools.


This the WVC Library Subscription Database page. You can navigate this page through a variety of filters. The easiest for accessing NoodleTools is to either click on the letter "N" and scroll down to the NoodleTools section, or to drop down the "Database Types" and select "Citations" which there is only 1 database that meets this filter.

NoodleTools Landing Page

The NoodleTools informational area let's you know what you can expect from this database. You will also see under "Permitted Uses" that NoodleTools is available to you for free for the duration of your WVC enrollment. Click on the "NoodleTools" title to direct you to our information guide to get yourself set up with a NoodleTools account.

Create a NoodleTools Account

NoodleTools and Single Sign On (SSO)


NoodleTools Account Set Up Location


NoodleTools Account Set Up


 Fill You will be taken to this page where you can either create a new account or link your existing account to your SSO. We are going to create an account in this next section.

  • Select West Valley College as your location and click "continue".
  • Leave the "user type" radio button at "student or library patron".
  • You know have a new account in NoodleTools.

NoodleTools, Single Sign On (SSO), and Linking a Previous Account



To link a previous account to your WVC SSO click on the "I have an existing account" option on the top. Fill out the form with your previous login and click on "Link Account". Account will be updated to recognize SSO.