OneSearch is the place for finding books, articles, and more from the West Valley College Library. It enables streamlined access to resources provided by the Library by allowing you to search for print and digital content as a single search, rather than having to access different databases and systems. It also has an account feature that allows you to save lists of items, manage your renewals, and request items from West Valley College.
With OneSearch you can search the following collections:
In addition, you can search the following collection to find books to request from Mission College:
Yes, OneSearch replaces the Library Catalog,. To limit results to only items that would be found in the library catalog, select Books & Materials at the Library when starting your search , or use the limiter reading At Library on the left side of the results page.
No, OneSearch does is not a replacement for individual access to the online databases. They are still available on the Library's Databases page. OneSearch is another way to search the databases. It searches most of the Library’s research databases at the same time.
Databases that have some material in OneSearch, but not all