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Technology Lending @ WVC Library: Overview

The Technology Lending Program provides access to cameras, microphones, green screens and a number of other accessories to help you succeed in your class projects.

old camera collection


--The Technology Lending Program provides access to cameras, microphones, green screens and other accessories to help you succeed in your class projects.

--To view our offerings, view the top navigation bar.

--Thank you to the WVMCCD Land Corporation for supporting this project with a grant from the Teaching and Learning Innovation/Improvement Fund.

Photo by Mario Calvio on Unsplash.



WVC Loanable Tech is available for checkout to WVC students, staff, and faculty only. All borrowers must show an ID and complete an equipment loan agreement prior to checking out the equipment. The loan period is 7 days and you may renew once for a total borrowing period of 2 weeks.

Please come prepared to spend at least 15 minutes to check out the equipment. You will be briefed on the equipment and all its peripherals and given instructions on returning the item(s).

Please note that Library staff will not instruct you on how to use the equipment. Instruction manuals and online tutorials are included in the description of the equipment in the tabs above.