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ENGL 1A (Stevenson)

Searching ChatGPT

Use ChatGPT for your Fourth Source


Dr. Stevenson wants you to use ChatGPT as your fourth source.  Ask ChatGPT how artificial intelligence is being used in your particular industry.

  • If Chatgpt provides new information that you did not find in the library databases or Google, you need to find a reliable source to back up the ChatGPT information you found -- either by using the library's databases or a reputable source on Google.
  • For example if ChatGPT tells me something that I didn't already see in my other sources, I can say:

According to Chatgpt, AI can be used in car repair to help analyze personal driving behavior to "to generate personalized maintenance recommendations for each vehicle." David Yi et al, in their article, "A Machine Learning Based Personalized System for Driving State Recognition," explains and analyzes the results of their experiments with AI technology to gather information about people's driving behavior. Their studies show that this information, gathered by AI, will predict individual driver's repair needs and improve the results of the car repairs.


Here is an example prompt to ChatGPT on a different topic :

Prompt to ChatGPT: I want to be a nutritionist. How will artificial intelligence affect this field in the futurre?




Here's a ChatGPT Answer:

ChatGPT answer regarding food innovation.




  • If you want to use this ChatGPT answer in your paper, find an article on AI and food innovation meeting nutritional needs in the library's databases (see the tab "Two Sources From Library Databases") or find a reputable source on Google and quote it. Use the example above as a guide.


Important things to remember:

  • You cannot copy/paste the entire answer it gives you. You can intersperse quotes with your own writing that summarizes and explains Chatgpt's answer.
  • You must list it in your Works Cited page. See the "MLA 9th Edition Citation" tab on the left for more information.