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ENGL 1A (Stevenson)

Gathering Background Information

Research Project: Part One

Part one of your task is to find background information on a career or a hobby.  The first two (or more) paragraphs will provide general information about your career, job, or hobby. It will provide the history, describe what the career, job or hobby entails (or what rules or laws are involved), and what the current status or popularity of the career, job, hobby is.

The library can help you!

  • Career / Job Information:
    • If you are looking for career / job information, this government website can give you all the information you need: Occupational Outlook Handbook.
    • Search your career / job in the search box on the right.

search box for OOH


  • Hobby Information:
    • If you are looking for hobby information, start with the Credo Reference database. It can give you information on the history, the rules, and lead you to more background information.
    1. Navigate to Credo Reference from your Canvas page. Go to the Library link and then scroll down to Credo Reference

Library link in Canvas

2. Scroll down to the link for Credo Reference. Once in, type your hobby in the search box.


  • Or, you can watch the video below:

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