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Artificial Intelligence for Faculty: AI Syllabus Statements Adopted by WVCAS

Syllabus Language

Adopted by the West Valley College Academic Senate, Fall 2023.



Regardless of an instructor’s view on use of artificial intelligence (AI) by students or use of AI in classroom instruction, syllabus policies help both students and faculty. The policy should also be respectful of West Valley College’s policy on students’ rights. The following templates have been drafted to provide faculty with guidance to create their own statements.

With that in mind, we have narrowed the categories of statements to:

  • Open Use (broad AI use is acceptable, with citations)
  • Limited Use (instructors provide guidelines in using AI tools in course assignments)
  • Closed Use (AI is prohibited in assignments)

Please see the following suggested samples for syllabus language.


Open Use – AI use is permitted in this course with attribution.

In this course, students are allowed to use AI resources to support their ideas. It is important to recognize that AI has inherent limitations, and responsible AI usage requires human oversight and verification. The student is responsible for verifying the quality, appropriateness, integrity, and impartiality of the AI-generated output that is used in their assignments. Students should therefore thoroughly review AI-generated output to confirm accuracy and suitability BEFORE submitting an assignment.

Using an AI-content generator such as ChatGPT to complete an assignment without proper attribution violates the West Valley College Dishonesty Policy. By submitting assignments in this class, you pledge to affirm that you attributed or cited tools and sources.

To ensure academic integrity, students must openly disclose any AI-generated material they utilize and provide proper attribution, including in-text citations, paraphrasing, quotations, and references.

To indicate the use of an AI tool, a student should include the following statement in their assignments: "The author(s) acknowledge the utilization of [Generative AI Tool Name], a language model developed by [Generative AI Tool Provider], in the preparation of this assignment. The [Generative AI Tool Name] was employed in the following manner(s) within this assignment [e.g., brainstorming, grammatical correction, paraphrasing, citation, specific section of the assignment]."


Limited Use – AI use permitted within specific parameters.

In this course, limited use of artificial intelligence (AI) is permitted for specific assignments or within set parameters as follows: (list to be determined by the instructor).

Any student work submitted using AI tools should clearly indicate what work is the student’s work and what part is generated by the AI. In such cases, no more than 25% of the student work should be generated by AI. If any part of this is confusing or uncertain, please reach out to me for a conversation before submitting your work.

Using an AI-content generator such as ChatGPT to complete an assignment without proper attribution violates the West Valley College Dishonesty Policy. By submitting assignments in this class, you pledge to affirm that they are your own work and attribute your use of any tools and sources.

To ensure academic integrity, students must openly disclose any AI-generated material they utilize and provide proper attribution, including in-text citations, quotations, and references.

To indicate the use of an AI tool, a student should include the following statement in their assignments: "The author(s) acknowledge the utilization of [Generative AI Tool Name], a language model developed by [Generative AI Tool Provider], in the preparation of this assignment. The [Generative AI Tool Name] was employed in the following manner(s) within this assignment [e.g., brainstorming, grammatical correction, citation, specific section of the assignment]."


Closed Use - AI use is not permitted.

Communication, analytical, and critical thinking skills are important elements of this course, and developing competencies in these areas will help prepare you for future coursework and in the workplace. Therefore, AI-generated submissions are not permitted and will be treated as a violation of the West Valley College Dishonesty Policy.

In submitting assignments, the student confirms that the work submitted is entirely their own work. As the instructor, I may follow up with a student on their submission of an assignment to verify authenticity, and I expect students to respond within (Instructor sets period of time) in order to complete the assignment in a timely fashion.