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African American History - The Civil War

How to search for Books

At the Library's home page, click on "Search Now". In the main search box, start out with a general topic. For example, search "Civil Rights" with the quotation marks:


Once you have your results, you can view them or use the left navigation bar to limit your results in a number of ways:

How to Retrieve Books

Sign in

Before you can borrow a book online or in print, you need to login with your SSO in the upper right of the results screen:


Use the tabs above on how to retrieve ebooks or print books.

Online Books:

If the book is an online book, then you will read it from your screen. Click on the title of the ebook, then scroll down to the link under "View Online". The links may have different names depending on the publisher. In the example below, the ebook is published by Ebook Central College Complete.

ebook central college complete link in OneSearch

IMPORTANT: Once you have finished looking at the book, please close the browser window, otherwise it will continue to be checked out to you and no one else can view it.

Print books will display their location in the book stacks in the library. It will look something like this.

location of book in the stacks

Request the book to be pulled for you. It will be available for you to pick up at the Check Out Desk.

Request button in Onesearch

How to Search for Videos

Taking the same search above on "Civil Rights", limit your search to videos only:


Click on the link to open the video:

video link in OneSearch