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Library resources for Business 51, Intro to Business classes

Finding Books

Besides using articles as sources for your project, it is recommended that you look for books especially if you are looking to add historical context or require more in-depth analysis. The library is currently open to pick up print books, but also consider e-books that may be more convenient.

  • Go to the Library home page “Quick Links” area and select “Search for Books, Articles and more via OneSearch”.

Quick Links menu with arrow pointing to OneSearch



  • In the search box, type in some of your terms. Let's say you are researching bailouts of airline companies during the pandemic. There will not be many books written because it is a recent phenomenon, but you could analyze research on the bailout of the banking industry during the 2008 financial crisis and see how it compares to the airline industry bailout. Searching "bailouts and banking" retrieves over 55,000 results!

                            searching bailouts and banking in onesearch

  • Use the filters on the left to refine your search. In this example, I refine results to e-books published after 2009:

refining results to all ebooks after 2009

You'll notice that in refining my results, I did not choose articles, newspapers, etc. I only chose online books and book chapters. That's because I searched for articles directly in the databases as discussed on the previous page.  I recommend searching the databases directly for articles and then doing another search for books using OneSearch. It is a lot cleaner and less work in the long run.

To view a book, the system will ask you to login with your SSO (same as Canvas) in order to get permission to view the book:

Retrieving Books


  • To view an e-book, click on the link under the View Online area. The link names will be different depending on the vendor. In this case, the vendor id Ebook Central College Complete.

arrow pointing to link to ebook


  • At this point, you should have access to the ebook. Depending on the vendor, you may see the book and be able to access it right away like in this example:

  • Or, you may have to register with a third party publisher in order to access the book (O'Reilly). If you click on the link, you'll be taken to O'Reilly:



Print Books

  • If I wanted to also look at print books, in the refining of the search above, I would not have clicked "Available Online". That would result in retrieving both print and ebooks. You can tell a print book by the long alpha-numeric number (aka "call number" in librarian jargon) that means it is a print book. Requested print books will be pulled for you and the library staff will notify you when it is ready to be picked up at the library.

call number location on record