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Personal Finance Tips for New Grads

by Maryanne Mills on 2023-05-02T17:57:00-07:00 | 0 Comments

WVC graduates in caps and gownsIt's almost that time when some of you will either be graduating from West Valley College or transferring to a 4 year university. Congratulations! After all the pomp and circumstance, the real world will set in. I found this article that discusses what to do next as far as your finances go.

Experts weigh in on the 5 things new grads need to know about managing their money:

  1.  Know the 50/30/20 Rule (how to spend your money)
  2. Make a plan for paying off your student loan debt
  3. Start saving for retirement now
  4. Start building your credit score
  5.  Seek out sound financial advice (not from TikTok, but from other sources like NPR's Planet Money)

It may seem overwhelming at first, especially if you have student loans and only a part-time job. But even if you start out small with saving a few dollars a week and paying off student loans, it is well worth it. You can find more about personal finance for recent college grads from this list of articles from OneSearch.

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